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5 Weekend Activity Ideas For Parents With Toddlers

    No matter how prepared you think you are for the weekend, your toddler will always surprise and delight with a brand-new challenge.

    Here’s our list of five family activities to get everyone off their screens and back in touch.

    1. Plan A Picnic:

    Pack up some veggies from your own garden, your favorite bread, and a container of fresh fruit.

    Add in some cheese or avocado for protein and you’re good to go with this easy-to-pack meal!

    This is the perfect activity on those days where it’s too hot to cook (even if just inside).

    Tip: Skip heavy dips like ranch dressing that are typically loaded with sugars or high-fat mayos.

    Instead, go for a little bit of mustard and/or hummus to add more flavor without all the fat.

    Bring along some water bottles filled up at your house so you don’t have to buy any unhealthy drinks from convenience stores on the way.

    Bonus: If it’s wintertime, take the picnic indoors and make your own indoor fireplace!

    Suggested Reading: 12 Delicious And Easy Recipes Kids Can Help Make

    kid-friendly cooking recipes

    2. Visit Your Local Library:

    It’s a beautiful day, so you’re not going to want to spend it inside!

    We’ve found that libraries are such a great place for kids because they have free wifi and heaps of books.

    They also often host story-time sessions as well which can be good for toddlers who learn best through stories rather than pictures or videos.

    A library is a great environment to get your toddler used to see things in print, learning new words, and using their imagination!

    Tip: Make sure you pack up everything so it’s not too heavy for your little one to carry.

    Pack some snacks as well because there might be no food shops nearby – this could make for a hungry toddler!

    And don’t forget to bring your library card or one of these cards from the library so you can borrow some books for when you get home.

    3. Start A Garden:

    Gardens are a wonderful project for the whole family.

    It’s an educational activity and it can also be really relaxing to spend some time in nature!

    If you’re thinking about growing your own food, this is the perfect opportunity to teach your toddler how plants grow from seeds (or other things like potatoes or carrots).

    You can use vegetables you grow yourself in your own kitchen, which is a good way to get them used to healthy foods.

    Plus, they’ll be proud of their garden when it’s done!

    Tip: If you’re just starting and don’t know what plants are best for certain climates or seasons, there are plenty of online tools that will help you with this.

    Don’t forget to get a good pair of gardening gloves – they’ll come in handy when it’s time for harvesting!

    And make sure your toddler has some fun clothes on because you don’t want them getting dirty before kindergarten tomorrow morning.

    Also, pack up plenty of snacks and water bottles so you can last the whole day in the garden.

    kids gardening activities

    4. Build A Fort:

    This is a great activity for those days where it’s raining.

    It can be really fun and creative to work together with your toddler on the fort while getting some bonding time in as well!

    There are so many different ways you could do this – from building an igloo or teepee-style tent out of blankets to creating a tent from chairs and tables.

    We’ve found that sheets are the best material because you can cut them up into sections or use safety pins to fasten them together.

    Plus, they’re lightweight enough for your toddler to carry around without too much effort.

    Tip: If it’s not raining outside but just a little bit too cold to go outside, you can also make a tent out of bedsheets!

    You could pick up some fabric and create this fun project together.

    And remember: pillows are key for any fort; they’ll make it more comfortable for your toddler or yourself!

    Tip: If the sheets/fabric gets dirty, just throw them in the washing machine and use a fabric softener so they don’t get as stiff.

    5. Make An Art Journal:

    This is a great activity to do at the library because it’s pretty quiet.

    An art journal can be used for anything from drawing or painting to writing in, so this is really up to your child’s alley – they’ll have plenty of opportunities to express themselves!

    You could put some coloring pages inside (just cut them into the right size) and some crayons so they have something to color with.

    Plus, it’s a nice way for you to spend time together without having any screens involved!

    Tip: If your toddler wants more than just blank pages in their art journal, there are plenty of coloring books out there that will get them started.

    You could also put a few special stickers in there for them to use or some ribbon or fabric pieces they can play around with.

    And don’t forget to pack up their art supplies – like markers, paintbrushes, and coloring pencils!

    Tip: You may want to include something that smells nice inside the journal so it’s not too bland.


    The best way to spend the weekend with your toddler is by doing activities together that they can enjoy.

    I hope this article has given you some ideas – let me know how your day went and if your toddler enjoyed any of these activities!