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The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Online Marketing

    With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), online marketing has gotten a new direction and put it into prominence. The scope of this article is not to focus on AI technologies in detail, but solely on how they affect online marketing efforts.

    What is AI?

    According to Wikipedia, “Artificial intelligence refers to the capability of an ‘intelligent’ computer system to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence such as visual perception, speech recognition, and decision-making.”

    As artificial intelligence is an advanced technology, it has been drawing attention from all corners of the world of business.

    And by looking at the way in which businesses are utilizing AI today, we can see how online marketing is being impacted.

    The Impact of AI in Online Marketing

    Here is an overview of how AI has impacted online marketing:

    Faster Decision-making Processes

    The major advantage of AI in online marketing is that it provides faster and better decision-making capabilities to the stakeholders.

    Earlier, these tasks had to be performed manually by human beings which was a time-consuming process. But with this technology, these tasks can now be performed faster and better.

    Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis

    Another advantage of AI in online marketing is that it helps in the process of opinion mining and sentiment analysis.

    This is done by a computer program that reads through massive amounts of data to determine what people are saying about your brand online. The application then reports back the results of its analysis.

    This is a great way to see what your customers are thinking and will be a necessary tool for any business concerned about how it is being perceived online.

    Automated Customer Support

    Customer support is another aspect of online marketing that has been revolutionized by AI.

    It enables businesses to automate their customer service queries and provide a better platform for resolving them.

    These services have in-built chatbots that enable the customers to be connected with support agents instantly.

    The use of artificial intelligence here provides a far better experience for the users than a human being could ever provide.

    Before AI, businesses could only provide basic customer service over the phone or by email. But now, with this technology, they are able to offer better support every time.

    Automated Customer Acquisition

    The use of artificial intelligence in online marketing platforms has also generated increased interest from potential customers.

    One such example is e-commerce websites that use AI to offer personalized recommendations for their customers.

    This technology generates interest from visitors based on their behavior, and thus they are more likely to make an online purchase while on the website.

    These all are only a few of the ways in which artificial intelligence is changing online marketing.


    The impact of AI in online marketing will only continue to grow as this technology becomes more advanced and integrated into everyday use.