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Jeff Bezos Hired For Pentagon Move, Receives $28 Billion for Job

    Jeff Bezos’ wealth has reached the highest it ever has before, more than doubling Elon Musk’s current net worth with an expected contract from Pentagon.

    Jeff Bezos’ wealth was already at a record high as he owned over $163 billion this past March according to CNN. Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, is also now the richest man on earth with Jeff Bezos’ wealth reaching an all-time record high as he just bought more shares in his company that recently won a Pentagon contract.

    Jeff Bezos is getting $28 billion from the deal, making Jeff’s net worth grow by around 90 million dollars per hour for every hour since Jeff’s net worth hit its peak.

    The Pentagon contract values are estimated to be at about $10 billion over five years with Cloud Jumper. Jeff Bezos has been busy buying up real estate, Jeff has been Jeff Bezos is buying up real estate like crazy. Jeff recently bought three huge towns to expand his North American empire and bought Whole Foods Market in a $13.7 Billion Deal.

    All this shows how much net worth can be earned when you are as smart as Jeff Bezos. Elon Musk is no joke but he does not even hold a candle to what Jeff Bezos’ wealth and power can do for the military-industrial complex because Jeff runs Amazon with the cloud services that Jeff provides through AWS (Amazon Web Services).

    Jeff Bezos’ wealth is estimated to be $211,000,000,000. Jeff owns over 78 million shares according to JeffTracking at the time of this article being written. Jeff is currently worth more than Elon Musk and would have a bigger impact on the Pentagon’s current rebuilding venture than what Elon Musk could ever dream of doing.

    Jeff Bezos will be using Pentagon Cloud services from Amazon Web Services and it is estimated that the Pentagon could save up to $10 billion over five years.