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Top 5 Niches For Content Creators To Make Money

    There are two ways to make money with content.

    The first way is through advertising revenue on your blog or YouTube channel and the second is by creating sponsored videos, starting a blog, podcasts, etc for brands in a niche where you have an audience.

    Depending on what type of content creator you are there may be different niches that work better than others but below are the top five money-making niches for new content creators.

    1. Creating content about food is always a good idea.

    You can create recipes, content on where to find the best food in your city or a specific type of cuisine.

    There are also many different types of cookbooks you could write and sell for high prices.

    For example, you could create a vegan cookbook with 100 recipes for under $15.

    This niche is good because there are many vegetarians and vegans in the world who would be able to purchase your book without breaking their bank account.

    You can also charge more than other books might if it has higher quality ingredients such as gourmet chocolates or expensive cheese and wine.

    Sponsored content in this niche could be a recipe for the best vegan dish with these ingredients.

    It is important that you research your target audience before trying to create sponsored content because it can easily backfire if their dietary needs are different than what you assumed they would need.

    2. Fashion and Makeup Tutorials

    These are popular on YouTube and TikTok, but there is a lot of money to be made in this area.

    You can create sponsored content for cosmetics and clothing brands that would pay you $100-$200 per video depending on your subscriber count.

    If you get enough subscribers it could lead to other opportunities such as becoming a spokesperson for the brand or being paid to post about them on your social media channels.

    Depending on the type of tutorial you create it could also lead to a monetized blog where you review products for brands and get paid per post or promote affiliate links that pay each time someone clicks on the link from your video, photo, or article.

    Content creators in this niche are popular because they show viewers how to use the product before they buy it and can also offer tutorials for beginners or advanced users.

    This is a good niche if you like makeup because there are many different types of products that could be sponsored, but make sure your target audience likes those products as well.

    A lot of people who love beauty might not want to watch a tutorial about lipstick, and the same goes for clothing.

    So if you create content in this niche make sure it includes products that your target audience is interested in.

    3. Lifestyle and Entertainment

    This is a great niche for new content creators because it doesn’t require much competition or risky investments.

    You can create something as simple as movie reviews, where you provide your opinion on the latest blockbuster and then recommend other movies that are similar to the one you just reviewed.

    Or you could do more high-quality content like interviews with actors, directors, or screenwriters and review their latest show.

    You can also create sponsored content for movies that are coming out such as a list of the top five films to watch this summer.

    If you get enough subscribers in your niche it could lead to other opportunities like being paid to post about them on social media channels where you have an audience.

    This is a good niche because there are many people in the world who watch movies and shows, but it may not be as profitable if you don’t have an audience.

    However, this is one of the more low-risk niches for content creators that want to start small before spending money on expensive equipment or hiring writers.

    4. Fitness, Health and Wellness

    This is a popular niche for people who want to start their own blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account.

    There are many different types of content that you can create in this area such as recipes and workouts that focus on specific aspects like weight loss or strength training.

    You could also include sponsored content from health food companies or fitness brands with items like protein powder, vitamins, and supplements.

    This is a great niche for people who want to work from home or travel while still making money because you could create content anywhere.

    The downside of this career choice can be that it’s difficult to stay motivated without encouragement from an audience like social media followers.

    If you like fitness products, then this niche will work best for you because there are many different types of items that could be sponsored, but make sure your target audience likes those products as well.

    Content creators in this niche are popular because they show viewers how to use the product before they buy it and can also offer tutorials for beginners or advanced users.

    5. DIY and Homemade Crafts

    This is a good niche for people who are creative and enjoy working with their hands.

    You could create content about your favorite DIY projects like giving old furniture new life or how to turn an ottoman into a coffee table.

    For example, you might have people interested in creating jewelry or knitting scarves and hats that they could sell on Etsy.

    This niche is also for people who are into home renovations and want to show how they made their living room more functional.

    It’s important to stay on top of new trends in this area because you’ll need a lot of ideas if your target audience isn’t interested in what you’re posting about.

    The downside might be that it takes a lot of time to create content and it can be difficult to find new ideas.

    If you like DIY projects, then this niche will work best for you because there are many different types of items that could be sponsored but make sure your target audience likes those products as well.


    Niche content is important for content creators. Creating content that is niche-focused will give the bloggers or vloggers a better chance to get their message out there.

    Remember, always follow your passion when deciding on a niche and keep your audience in mind when creating content.